Spreading the Love to Frontline Workers

In the midst of much uncertainty during this season, something we are certain of is that there are thousands of truly incredible individuals all across the country who are stepping up to serve their communities. 

We are inspired daily by healthcare professionals, grocery store workers, delivery drivers, and so many others who are putting in long hours to keep society afloat while others do their part by staying home. 

Our team has been delivering kombucha to these essential workers where we are safely able to. It’s our small way of showing appreciation and, hopefully, offering some well-deserved refreshment. 

Both on our own, and in partnership with organizations like FoundersGive, we’ve been able to donate thousands of bottles of kombucha already, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon! 

While our teams continue to spread the love in their communities, we’ll be selecting people every week to ship kombucha to based on your nominations. If you would like to nominate someone who is going above and beyond at their job or at home during this COVID-19 pandemic, please use the form below.

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